Here at Battle Hill we have lots of different game scenarios to choose from. This does change depending on how many people are on the hill.
Choose from up to 10 different scenarios.
The Game
With search and destroy the team will take it in turns.
The Goal
The goal of the game ever team will have the bomb for 10mins. If the enemy finds and defuses the bomb they win, if they can’t find it before it detonates then the home team wins.
king of the hill
The Game
Fight for the hill.
The Goal
The goal of the game is where both teams fight for the hill and try to catch an electric flag by shooting the top of it.
capture the flag
The Game
There are hard plastic flags that are in each team's spawn areas.
The Goal
Each team needs to get the opposite teams flags to there spawn point to win the game.
kill confirmed
The Game
Each team will be against each trying to get the highest kill count.
The Goal
To which ever team gets the highest count in the game of Kill Confirmed will be the winners.
The Game
This is a game consisting of 4 teams with 2 players in each team.
The Goal
The goal of the game is to eliminate the enemy teams with your partner and be the last team standing.
The Game
Three electric flags (A, B and C ) are neutral to start off with. Each team must secure the flag.
The Goal
Your goal is to secure the “Control Point” placed out in the field by shooting it until the flag's are locked into the teams colour.
The Game
Two teams and one crater electric boom.
The Goal
​The goal of the game is too get the boom and make it self-destruct. which team does it the fastest wins.
The Game
This is a free for all game. Everyone for themselves!​
The Goal
The goal of the game is to claim victory and be the last one standing.
Human's vs zombies
The Game
Vampire's and Zombie's. are against each other to take each over out
Don’t let them make you join the other team . Getting hit will get you infected, and you’ll turn you into a vampire or zombie on the spot, forcing you to switch teams and attack your friends!
The Goal
Vampire Team:
Kill as many zombies as you can without getting infected turning into a zombie.
Zombie Team:
Kill as many vampires as you can and capture them to join your team.
Team Deathmatch
The Game
Team deathmatch is a game between two or four team
The Goal
The goal of the game is to be the last team standing before
time runs out, the timeline is 10mins or if one team has more player alive they are the winner of the game.